Game Design

Hello everyone! This is my first game design! Today, I will talk about how I came up with this project and made it.

Let's go back to the beginning. I watched this video by PolyMars called Making a C++ Game with Trash, and at the end, he announced that he and his friend Barji will be making SeaJam, which is a game jam where you have a month to make a game based on #TeamSeas and the ocean. I felt this was pretty cool and wanted to participate, so I got to work.

Let's now get to the next part, what I did before creating this project. I started of by joining the jam from their page. Then, I started planning my ideas out on paper. It took the longest out of all my games to think of an idea, but I decided to make a game where you have to click trash to take it out of the ocean. When I made this, I didn't know HTML, CSS, or Python, and forgot Python and JavaScript (in fact I don't even know how to make a game like this in those programming languages), so I made my game in scratch.

Now for the fun part, making my game. I started off by adding in the player and shovel sprites. I used the player model I made before, and modified it to make it like your holding something. Then I added a shovel model, which was very simple, and was big. Then I made the backdrop. I made the backdrop as a costume so people don't see the backdrop. Next was the waves. I made it so the waves are scrolling and the same on one side as the other to look like waves. Then I added the garbage.

Now the next part of the game, the coding. I made it so that it will randomly make clones of the garbage, choose a random costume, and go to a random position until it touches the water then appears. If you click it, then you will get a point, which I made the +1 fade in and increase size then do the opposite. The FPS is controlled in which I have a project about. There is a lot more but that is the very basics.

Thanks for seeing this post. Make sure to like, follow, and play.

Get Trash First, Safety Second

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